True Wicca
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This is NOT to do with my personal views.

~*~Much of this information is from Ann Moura (Aoumiel) and her books on Green Witchcraft. Muchas Kudos to her, much thanks.~*~

The page "My Transformation to Wicca" is about -MY- personal views, this page illustrates the Wicca Rede, the elements, the Sabbats, etc.

WARNING: If you call a male witch a "Warlock," do you have ANY idea what that means? It actually means "breaker of oaths." ...That's NOT a compliment. ANY gender, female, male, or hermaphrodite is to be called a witch. If they don't mind. If they do...I would think over if I want them to turn me into a tree...that's a joke. I don't think they'd want to become mulch, but there are other ways that they can break you of saying something as derogatory as "Warlock."

Many solitary witches are Eclectic, meaning that they don't follow any tradition, they adopt practices and rituals that seem to fit them or their needs best. 

Witches are NOT "satan-worshippers" nor do they see an "absolute evil." The term satan worshipper came from some idiotic people that were gung-ho to make witches look bad.

Just because that's how it was in the movies...witches DO NOT fly on brooms or turn anything into newts. While some do know, and DO throw fits, I have yet to meet one that can telepathically move something in complete blinded rage...actually, scratch that, none.

Magickal rituals, such as the casting of spells, MEANS focusing your energy to achieve a desired effect in life. It allows you to harness all of the energy available to you, drawing not only from yourself but from the forces of nature. 

Meditation, visualization, spell casting -- all of these are means of gathering the strength to do something and focus your energy upon your goal.  This power is available to everyone, but Wiccans learn the means to make use of it. 

The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.

Live ye must and let to live,
fairly take and fairly give.

From the circle thrice about,
to keep unwelcome spirits out.

To bind the spell well every time,
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch,
speak ye little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon,
sing and dance the Wiccan rune.

Widdershins go by the waning Moon,
chanting out a baleful tune.

When the Lady's Moon is new,
kiss the hand to her times two.

When the Moon rides at her peak,
then let the heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and trim the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,
love will kiss thee on thy mouth.

When the wind blows from the West,
departed spirits have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,
burn them quick and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree,
burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the wheel begins to turn,
soon the Beltane fires will burn.

When the wheel has turned to Yule,
light the log the Horned One rules.

Heed ye flower, bush, and tree,
by the Lady blessed be.

Where the rippling waters flow,
cast a stone and the truth you'll know.

When you have a hold and a need,
hearken not to other's greed.

With a fool no seasons spend,
nor be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part,
bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the threefold law ye should,
three times bad and three times good.

When the misfortune is anow,
wear the star upon thy brow.

True in love you must ever be,
lest thy love be false to thee.

These eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.

The Elementals and the Sabbats


  • Note, the colors DO NOT represent the colors that represent the elements. Some do, some don't, I did it to categorize the elements and their meanings.

Earth (North/feminine): money, acquisition, employment, health, diet, organization, ambition, career, bones, teeth, skin, fertility, healing.

Air (East/masculine): mental powers, communication, writing, travel, justice, unions, balance, artistry, science, visions, physic powers, wisdom.

Fire (South/masculine): authority, rebirth, leadership, courage, fertility, heart, travel, sports, truth, passion, strength, protection, health.

Water (West/feminine) : intuition, love, meditation, healing, friendships, fidelity, home, power, sex, music, art, telepathy, prophetic dreams, honoring lunar gods, and goddesses.

Akasha AKA The Spirit (Center): Spirit combined from all other elements into one divine element. This is the power within you.

  • Everything in Nature whether it be pool, rock, comet, flower, lake, weed, stream, or mountain contains vibrations which meld into one collective unconscious. These collective energies, or elemental spirits, are known as Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire), and Undines (water).


  • Sabbats are called the "Days of Power" to which you honor the God and Goddess and the magick is much more exceptional during these times. (Aoumiel used the K on the back of magic (k) to not confuse the magick with illustions of 'Magicians'
  • These colors also have no importance in the categorization.

Yule (Winter Solstice): December 31, when the Goddess gives birth to the God. Candles are lit to honor the return of the God.

Imbolc/(Em-bowl/g): February 2, when the Goddess recovers from the birth of the God, fully restored. This is the time for purification and dedication.

Ostara (Oh-star-ah)(Spring Equinox): March 21, When the God and Goddess walk the fields, causing the plants and animals to reproduce. This symbolizes inspiration for renewal and creativity.

Beltane (Beel-teen) (May Day): May 1, when the God and Goddess unite in a celebration of renewal and healing. This is also the "recommended" day for a pure person to lose their virginty when they are ready to honor the union of the God and Goddess.

Litha (Lee-thah)(Summer Solstice): "Midsummer"-Peak of fertility, used to celebrate love, health, purificaton, and dedication.

Lughnassadh (Loo-nahs-ah): August 1, when the God impregnates the Goddess with himself and is the feast of bread and time of transformation.

Mabon (May-bone or Mah-boon) (Autumn Equinox): September 21, God prepares to leave and the Goddess rests. It is now celebrated as Thanksgiving but was called Harvest Home.

Samhain (Sow-een) (All Hallows Eve): October 31, when the God departs and the Goddess mourns though knowing he will return again at Yule. This is the time to for celebrating mysteries of death and contacting spirits.

Those are the 8 Sabbats that go with the year as the world turns on it's axis. 

An' Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.